Friday, 18 November 2011

November 2011 Newsletter

"...we can create alternative systems by channelling our consumption and investment and convince others these are great ways of living, and consistent with what we're trying to achieve long term".

Transition Companion book - Rob Hopkins


History of Oil + In Transition - Thurs 24th November

Transition Town Wellington will be showing a double-bill this month of:
  •  Robert Newman's History of Oil - - The brilliant Robert Newman comes to grips with the wars and politics of the last hundred years - but rather than adhering to the history we were fed at school, places oil at the center stage of all the cause of all commotion.....  full of laughs and some sobering truths.
  • In Transition - ‘In Transition’ is the first detailed film about the Transition movement filmed by those that know it best, those who are making it happen on the ground. The Transition movement is about communities around the world responding to peak oil and climate change with creativity, imagination and humour, and setting about rebuilding their local economies and communities. It is positive, solutions focused, viral and fun. And I might add totally inspirational.

Time: 7pm
Venue: Community Centre, White Hart Lane, Wellington.
Donations gratefully received and refreshments provided. For more information call Holly Regan-Jones on 01823 660161.

Transition Drop-in Café - Sat 26th November

This month we have decided to take a break from the drop-in because there are just so many more exciting things happening! We will be having a Transition Mull sometime in December... a little reflection on what we have done.... what we would like to achieve for the coming year and celebration.

Scroll down for the other events....

Community Energy Forum - Sat 26th November

Venue:  YMCA, Bridgwater
 Time: 10:30 - 16:30

Don’t miss out on this exciting event hosted by the Centre for Sustainable Energy. They have now confirmed the agenda and  are excited to announce CSE’s Simon Roberts OBE will be welcoming you all to the event. If you want to find out information on the Low Carbon Retrofit Challenge, updates on the Feed in Tariff and Renewable Heat Incentive and talks from Community Energy Project guest speakers then please book now. Presentations, case studies and workshops on: Green Deal for communities; hard-to-treat homes; community-scale renewables; theories of behaviour change; networking, community group updates and information sharing.

 Refreshments and light lunch provided.

The booking form can be found here....

Please complete and return this form to or post to
Kirsty Mitchell, CSE, 3 St Peter’s Court, Bedminster Parade, Bristol BS3 4AQ

Download the agenda here.

Find out more at: 

Local Craft Sale - 26th November

If you are interested in local crafts then you can also mosey on over to Roughmoor Farm and checkout the array of local craft people who make things from recycled or found objects.  The local group of crafts people will be selling their homemade crafts at very low prices due to the lack of overheads.... Plus free homemade organic mulled apple juice and mince pies all day.

9am - 6pm at Roughmoor Farm, TA1 5AA.

Buy Nothing Day - 26th November

Yet another event on the 26th.... Buy Nothing Day.

Saturday November 26th is Buy Nothing Day (UK). It's a day where you challenge yourself, your family and friends to switch off from shopping and tune into life. The rules are simple, for 24 hours you will detox from shopping and anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending!

As consumers we need to question the products we buy and challenge the companies who produce them. What are the true risks to the environment and developing countries? We all know recycling is OK for the the environment, but consuming less is better and Buy Nothing Day is a great way to start.

Check it out here...

The Work That Reconnects - 3rd December
Transition Minehead and Alcombe will be hosting The Work that Reconnects workshop - From Overwhelm to Vibrant Living

Time: 10.00 – 5.00 Saturday December 3rd 2011
Venue:   Friends Meeting House, Bancks Street, Minehead TA24 5DJ

● Feeling overwhelmed by environmental, economic, social challenges?

● Looking for ways to contribute?

● Needing to refresh your energy and enthusiasm?

 ● Wanting to share ideas and encouragement?

 The Work that Reconnects is an experiential workshop developed by ecologist and environmental activist Joanna Macy (, who sees our turbulent times as offering an opportunity for a 'Great Turning' in which we can choose sanity and life over the madness of unsustainable exploitation of the planet.  The Work that Reconnects has helped many thousands of people around the world to find insight, support, and the courage to act.  Its range of powerful transformational practices, many based in Zen, Tibetan Buddhist and Native American traditions, can enable us to reaffirm our sense of purpose and our gratitude for life, so we can turn our concern for the world into collaborative, constructive action.

The workshop will give us an opportunity to:

☼ Explore our feelings of concern for planetary issues

☼ Connect with ourselves, each other and the natural world

☼ Find ways forward towards a sustainable future

The workshop will be facilitated by Fran Hicks and Sally Lever.

Fran Hicks is an art therapist, counsellor, Quaker and founder member of Transition Taunton, experienced in facilitating groups exploring mental wellbeing, deep ecology and spirituality.

 Sally Lever is an experienced personal and business coach, writer, speaker and workshop leader specialising in sustainable living and working (

Suggested donation: £20 per person

(please feel free to give more or less in accordance with your wishes and your circumstances)
Numbers are limited so please book by November 25th
For bookings and further information please contact

Transition Minehead and Alcombe:
Caitlin Collins:  01643 841310

Coppicing @ the Childrens' Wood - 6th December

Take part in a some skill-sharing at Childrens' Wood.  Learn how to coppice trees to open up glades in woods and encourage different flora and fauna.   Have a go at hurdle-making and learn how to take care of the precious woods right here on your very doorstep. It is free, fun and and very hands-on.  Oh and remember to bring hard-wearing waterproofs, gardening gloves and probably wellies... it can get mucky out there!

Meet at the bridge over the River Tone at Childrens' Wood, Taunton next to the orchard at 2 pm. 

Green Christmas Fair - 10th December
You can email Jill Gray on

Transition Mull - Monday 12th December
Come and join us to reflect on the past year and dream for the future.  It is a chance to evaluate what we have achieved with our very own timeline, make plans for the future and of course celebrate. Don't worry if you are new to this... it is a great chance to meet-up and get together with others who are trying to build a more resilient future - the only way we know how - TOGETHER!

Venue: Friends' Meeting House, Bath Place, Taunton (just off the High Street)
Time: 7 pm


Food Sovereignty

What unites national charities like Oxfam and War on Want with grassroots organisations like Transition and Reclaim the Fields - why, issues like who controls our food systems, how we can make change happen not only locally but globally as well, how a fairer system to deal with the production, distribution, access and control of food is the best way forward for a sustainable food system.  And the South West Food Sovereignty Skillshare showed this. 

"Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems... "
- Declaration of, 2007 -

Graciela Romero from War on Want gave us the global picture; 925 million hungry, 150,000 farmer suicides in India because of debt, unequal trade in food, food waste of between 1/3 and 1/2 of all food produced because of the industrial system.... our government hopes with the buy-in of a few agri-business companies to solve our food crisis with more industrialisation, more fertilizers, more 'technology' with little regard for the climate and social cost.  

Graciela introduced the principles behind food sovereignty: that food is a basic human right, agrarian reform is necessary, natural resources should be protected, food trade needs to be re-organised, the globalisation of hunger should be ended, that food should never be used as a weapon and that people, including small farmers, must have democratic control of their food systems. (Read the excellent Food Sovereignty Report from War on Want -

Linda Hull from Somerset Community Food highlighted the important projects out there that could challenge the 'business as usual' approach.  Projects such as Sustain's 'Good Planning for Good Food' report that spotlights spatial planning in protecting land for farming.... , and  Colin Tudge's  Campaign for Real Farming ( calling for an Agarian Renaissance and encourage more people back into farming.  Incredible Edible Todmorden stands out as a beacon in growing in your own backyard... or graveyard, or railway station ( and it is all possible here in Somerset.  Somerset Community Food have even created a website - - which maps all the land and local growing projects.... so get out there and contribute to the site!

So what can we really do in Somerset to create the sustainable, socially just food system ... from the brainstorming session a whole host of ideas was brought forward: food growing education, community trading post, Peoples' Supermarket, Fair Share, Direct Action, using political rhetoric in our favour and perhaps most importantly - 'Think Global, Act Local'.

Many thanks to Transition Glastonbury and Reclaim the Fields for putting this conference together. Read their write up here -

Can We Live Better With Less - 11th November

You would hope that with the title 'Can We Live Better With Less' that it would be a resounding yes.... but of course it is a yes with an uphill struggle ahead.

Stewart Wallis, Executive Director of the New Economics Foundation laid out why our economy at the moment would not be the solution in the form of the 4 U's of current Economics or the 4 horsemen: unsustainable, unfair, unstable and unhappy.
  • Unsustainable - with depletion of resources can we really continue the way we are.
  • Unfair - with current economics brings social problems (read the Spirit Level - Wilkinson & Pickett if you are not convinced - Stewart Wallis described the current economic climate as 'hoover up' not 'trickle down'.
  • Unstable - increasing rapidity of stock market crashes.  The systems were built for efficiency not resilience which is just what we need now.
  • Unhappy - The greater wealth amongst some is not making us more happy... Britain reached a plateau of perceived happiness in the mid 60s and since then with more wealth we have not increased in happiness.
The foundation would like to highlight the myths and half-truths that are banded around by politicians and economist alike to prop up the current economic system....

  • Infinite growth - this is just not feasible... at some point the resources with run out.
  •  Markets are fair
  • Prices tell the truth - often social costs are not factored in.
  • Salaries reflect Value - a recent report from NEF found that by and large a teaching assistant over their working life would create more 'value' than say tax accountant, who would destroy value.
  • More income equals more happiness - see the above comment...

So if you wish to achieve a 'new economy' what do you do.... there is the key dilemma for us all; running out of planet and on the other side putting the brakes on the economy and causing mass unemployment...

The proposed way is the Great Transition with some crucial goals:

  • Measure the right things (Gross National Happiness anyone?)
  • Reform the financial sector by breaking up the banks and forming a Good Banking Forum
  • Radically change incentives, taxes and regulation.
  • Implement a green deal for green jobs which will be both profitable and sustainable
  • De-centralise the economic systems with more local food and energy.
  • Change the role of companies with a purpose wider than money
  • Radically change the redistribution of income, wealth, and land access.
  • Rebalance our lives.
It is about making us all stewards not consumers.

Thanks to Transition Minehead an Alcombe and Forum 21 for hosting this event and providing a great forum for lively debate.
You can download the publication 'The Great Transition' free from their website:

News on the Feed-In Tariffs

Alas, the government have seen fit to reduce the feed-in tariff rates as of the April 1st 2012.   But this will effect installations from the 12th December.

If your installation becomes eligible for FIT payments between the 12th of December and the 31st of March then you will receive the higher FIT rate until the 1st April 2012; then you will be transferred to the lower tariff for the remainder of the 25 years of your FIT contract.

Please see below for the proposed new tariff levels across all size of installation for solar PV. Note that this affects both domestic and non-domestic (including community) installations.

Band (kW)
Current generation tariff (p/kWh)
Proposed generation tariff (p/kWh)
≤4kW (new build)
≤4kW (retrofit)
stand alone

To be FIT eligible your panels need to be fully installed and your chosen FIT licensee must have registered your installation. For this, an application needs to be made which may take a week or more to turn around. So if you have an installation in progress, contact your FIT licensee as soon as possible to (1) check the time frames and (2) find out exactly what information will be required for the application to register for the FIT. 

There is still time to respond to the consultation which closes on Friday 23rd of December. You can respond either online(,  or by post to this address: Feed-in Tariffs team, Department of Energy and Climate Change, 3 Whitehall Place, London, SW1A2AW using the same template.

The Low Carbon Communities Network is supporting several campaigns challenging the reduced rate proposals. There is more information on their website:

Information for this post has come from the Centre for Sustainable Energy -

Sunday, 16 October 2011

October 2011 Newsletter

“There is no more important journey we can undertake than the transition from our current fossil fuel dependency to locally based economic resiliency. This book is the ideal companion for that journey—optimistic yet clear-headed; informed by experience yet playful and encouraging. Hopkins’s wisdom, creativity, and gentle humor pervade each captivating page”.

About the new Transition Companion book - Richard Heinberg: Senior Fellow, Post Carbon Institute, author of The End of Growth


Transition Drop-in Café - 22nd October

We have an energy theme this month with some videos about renewable energy.  Want to know if photovoltaics are for you or how ground-source heat pumps work then come along. And of course there is always tea and cake!

Time: 10.30 - 12.30

Venue: Friends' Meeting House, Bath Place, Taunton

Here is a little taster:

Apple Day – Sunday 23rd October

Venue: Otter Head Lodge, Culmhead, Somerset

Time: between 2.00pm and 6.00pm

  • Have fun pressing your own apples with your friends and neighbours! (and remember to bring some empty bottles to carry home your juice!)  
  •  Enjoy a mug of hot soup, a slice of home – made cake and a glass of Mulled Apple and Ginger round an autumn fire – and take home the recipes!
  •  Enjoy the live music from your local community choir and play games with an “appley” theme!
  •  Find out about how to plant your very own community apple tree in that little green space in your village – and learn a little more about the Blackdown  Transition Group.
  •  Make “Wishing Leaves” and “Lucky Apples” to hang in the trees !


a small charge will be made for refreshments

Organised by the Blackdown Hills Transition Group Visit:
or tel:Trudi on Honiton (01404) 861421

Apple Pressing in Priorswood - Tuesday 25th October

After the success of our Abundant Taunton event outside the Brewhouse on the 1st (read about that later on!) we will be continue to press apples at Priorswood Community Centre and St. Peters Church Hall from 10am to 1pm.... this is all part of the community cooking event....

Remember to come along and bring apples and get some very excellent fresh apple juice!

Can We Live Better With Less - 11th November

A free, thought-provoking evening with Stewart Wallis, Executive Director of the New Economics Foundation, a leading independent 'think-and-do-tank' that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being.

  • What is wrong with economics?
  • Why do we need a Great Transition?
  • How can we have a better future?
Hear Stewart discuss these points , then join a debate on how we can take these ideas forward practically as a  community.

West Somerset Community College, 7pm.
Admission free.
For more information visit
email Hester on or call Sally on 01984 631478

Solar Powered Bath and Wells Environment Gathering  - Nov 12th

There is a unique chance for environment enthusiasts to come together on Nov 12th.
Bishop Peter of Taunton will be the  key-note speaker. The venue is St Michael’s, Galmington,in south Taunton where you can view their array of photovoltaic solar panels....
The aim of the gathering is to bring together those who may currently feel isolated and the latest findings of the recent Churches Environment Survey will be shared, with feedback to Bishop Peter and David Maggs, Social Justice and Environment Adviser.  
It is a chance to become more involved and better supported at a local level through an Environmental Champions Network. There will be information about the Diocesan loan scheme for the fitting of pv panels on church roofs. 
The Energy Saving Benchmarking scheme will be launched.
Venue:  St Michael’s Church, Galmington
The gathering will start at 9.30 (tea and coffee from 9.00) and finish by 
Please indicate your interest in attending by emailing Pete Hawkins -


Abundant Taunton

Hundreds of people got the chance to taste freshly pressed apple juice outside The Brewhouse last Saturday (1st October).  Taunton Transition Town's group of "low carbon" volunteers took advantage of the glorious weather to invite people to bring their windfalls for pressing by the traditional method.  
Apple Press in Action

"We wanted to show just how easy it is to use the abundance of apples we have in this part of the world that would otherwise go to waste.It is also a great way to get children involved, they love working the hand cranked apple press." Vicky Briggs

Frankie showing off the grapes that will soon be pressed - and yes the grape juice was fabulous

It was certainly quite a day for Frankie, whose Dad Stuart chanced by in the morning.   Dad was so impressed he came back again later on - with two big buckets of grapes from his back garden for pressing.  "This is the best day of my life" said Frankie, as he tucked in to crackers and home made jams, part of a display of seasonal fayre brought along by Priorswood Allotment Plot secretary Bob Rawle.  

This is the second year that we have run an Abundant Taunton event and is something that we will continue for years to come.... especially if we have such bumper years for apples!  And remember that we are not the only people offering out free freshly squeezed apple juice... plenty of community groups are doing exactly the same. Check out our events listings....

Low Carbon Conversations at the Genesis Centre

Taunton Transition Town has teamed up with the Genesis Centre at Somerset College to run a monthly programme for people who want to do more to cut their carbon emissions as well as their household bills. Similar to the Transition Together project, people will discuss topics such as energy and water use in the home, the relationship between food and carbon, and how to minimise waste. It is different to Transition Together (which happens in people’s homes) in that it takes place at the Genesis Centre, an amazing building showcasing different sustainable building methods as well as examples of home energy generation technologies. Each session will be led by facilitators, and the programme will also draw on the expertise of the Centre’s renewable energy expert to answer course members’ questions.

The course is on Thursdays, either 2-4pm or 6-8pm. It starts with an introductory session on Thursday 24th November, and then 6 sessions on the 2nd Thursday of each month starting on Thursday 8th December and finishing on Thursday 10th May 2012. The course fees are £70 and to book contact Yvonne Mackeson on 01823 366756 or email her

Community Land Trust Plans Ecological Refurbishment of Landmark Taunton Building

The Somerset Co-operative Community Land Trust outlined their plans for a refurbishment of Hertford House - a prominent neglected building on Billetfield in Taunton. Their intention is to use it for a combination of social housing and supported workspace for community enterprises.

"This exciting project means that a landmark building will be taken into community ownership and developed as a showcase for affordable, sustainable technologies. It will address three linked crises: the transition away from oil and fossil fuels, the shortage of affordable housing and the loss of trust in profit driven business.  This is our first project, but it paves the way for many more."
Fran Hicks, the Chair of the CLT
 The Community Land Trust is appealing for support from the local community. It needs volunteers to help with the renovation, social investors willing to accepts a mix of financial and social returns, and local people willing to help the committee plan and develop future projects.

Of course it is also keen to hear from people who are in housing need, or at risk of homelessness, and would be interested in being tenants for such a ground-breaking project.

Alex Lawrie, a development worker with Somerset Co-operative Services CIC, said "Community share issues have been used to great effect by community shops around Somerset; this is the first time they have been used to develop social housing.  With interest rates at an all time low, and widespread awareness of the problems caused by unaffordable housing, this will appeal to many people keen to make a social investment.

An oped day is planned at the nearby St Georges Hall on Saturday and everyone is encouraged to come along and find out more about this innovative project.

More information is available from Enquiries can email, or write to Somerset CCLT at the Hot House, Wellington Road, Taunton, TA1 5AX or phone 07963 917472.

Transition Together

We are currently looking for new groups of neighbours, friends or colleagues to take part in the exciting Transition Together course.... It is a way for you to cut your carbon and your bills (something we all are very keen to do).  You might have read about it in this week's Somerset County Gazette.

In July last year, we launched the pilot project and got six groups together who met each month and looked at topics such as energy and water use in the home, and how to minimise waste amongst other topics.  Each group member  received a copy of the Transition Together handbook filled with carbon saving tips.  Each group also received a small grant of £10 per household to spend together as a group on something that inspired them.... So far, this has included fruit tree planting, purchasing vegetable seeds and buying materials for building a hen coop!

A year on and participants agreed the project had been fun, and community building.  Deb Howell's Galmington group have changed their driving habits to conserve fuel, cut their food waste and saved up to two-thirds on water bills!

"We're doing a community gardening scheme based in my garden. We all share the produce and I have help to be more ambitious with what I grow."  Deb Howell

If you are interested in starting up a group in the Taunton Deane area and share in the community building, carbon cutting, bills busting project then please contact Chrissie Godfrey of Taunton Transition Town by emailing or calling on 01823 321731.

The Magdalen Project - Help with Growing Food

Have you ever wanted to set up your own allotment, growing space or smallholding but are not sure where to start?  The Magdalen Project in conjunction with Somerset Community Food are looking for 42 families from the South West who want to produce their own healthy food yet helping to save money.

The “Learning for Growth” initiative is being funded by the Adult and Community Learning Fund and is offering a FREE place to each family as a way to get started.  The program starts with either a weekend at Magdalen on Food Growing and Livestock Management or a day focusing exclusively on Fruit and Veg Growing.  Experienced tutors will then be on hand to offer a mentoring service into the growing season.

“This is a unique opportunity to get free help and advise on how to create your own growing space and to plan and produce your own food”  – Martin Biss, Magdalen Farm Manager.
Somerset Community Food is a grassroots charity established in 2001 which aims to re-connect people with the social, health and environmental effects of growing, buying, preparing and eating local food.’  The Magdalen Project is an environmental education charity based on an organic farm who aims to encourage all to learn new skills and enjoy new experiences whilst developing a more sustainable approach to life.

 Residential weekends are either 20th to 22nd January 2012 or 27th to 29th January 2012 with the Fruit & Veg day scheduled for 4th February.  Spaces are limited and booking essential.  Whilst the course is free we do ask minimum £10 donation towards course notes.  To find out more about what we are offering please contact Lisa Herbert at Magdalen on 01460 30144 or visit our website at

The Magdalen Project
TA20 4PA

Half UK Homes 'Not Properly Insulated'

New figures released by the government show that around half of our homes in the UK do not have sufficient insulation.

The report found that just 57 per cent of lofts are properly insulated and 58 per cent of cavity walls are filled.

By not having basic insulation, the government claims households are leaking £100 in wasted energy every year.

Other energy efficiency measures such as upgrading inefficient boilers for a high efficiency condensing boiler and improving heating controls can save up to £225 a year, the Energy Saving Trust says.

Draft-proofing and double gazing can also lower energy bill costs and reduce the carbon emissions of a property.

Transition Stroud have this excellent video all about internal insulation....

If you are not sure just how energy efficient you are then make use of Taunton Deane’s free Energy Auditing Team who will come around and give you advice and tips on how to save money on your energy bills.


The Transition Companion - Out October 27th

As I write this the new transition book has been launched in London, Totnes and on Twitter - The Transition Companion: Making Your Community More Resilient in Uncertain Times.  The Transition Companion draws on over three years’ experience of the worldwide Transition movement and gives a new, easily accessible approach to creating change.  It builds on the success of the bestselling The Transition Handbook (over 25,000 copies sold in the UK) and is packed with inspirational stories, photos and illustrations.

You can pre-order it now at: .

Here is Rob Hopkins talking about the book....

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

September 2011 Newsletter

Apples, apples, apples.... yes the apple season has chanced upon us again and with a bumper crop.  Wondering what to do with all those apples - why not bring them along to our annual Abundant Taunton event and get them juiced! Find out how to cut your bills and your carbon with Transition Together and get involved by finding out about food sovereignty and renewable energy... oh and get the low-down on the stripey jumper!


Bristol Cycle Festival - 17th - 25th September

If you are a fan of bikes then peddle your way to the Bristol Cycle Festival. After the roaring success of last year the Bristol Cycle Festival will be taking place from 17 – 25 September.
There will be all sorts of exciting events taking place all over the city including:

  • Carnivelo – The UK’s biggest pedal-powered carnival. Join the many cycle troupes taking part or just watch as costumes, decorated bikes, stunt riders and many more pass through the streets of the city centre.Be sure to watch out for the Sustrans carnival float too!
  • 2 wheeled drive in cinema - A secret location, only accessible by bike. A cult film, screened in a natural amphitheatre... it gets no better!
  • Bike Polo - Bristol is proud to host a round of the UK National Bike Polo series. Put a team of three together and play, come along and give it a try, or just soak up the atmosphere and revel in the skills of some of the UK's top teams
  • Madame Melski’s cycle speed dating - Single? Cyclist? Want to meet two-wheeled hotties? In a friendly, no-pressure environment? Come along to Madame Melski's cycle speed dating and break the ice in the way that only bicycles can
  • Yoga for cyclists
  • Free Range Kids Treasure Hunt bike ride for all the family on the Bristol and Bath path one of Sustrans Fresh Air Miles events

For more information go the website...

Transition Drop-in Café - 24th September

We are keeping it low-key this month with a catch up with all things transition and preparation for future events.

Time: 10.30 - 12.30

Venue: Friends' Meeting House, Bath Place, Taunton

Abundant Taunton - Saturday 1st October

We will be holding an Abundant Taunton Celebration outside the Brewhouse from 10.30 to 3.  Come and sample some local apple juice pressed right in front of you and if you have apples to spare bring them along to be pressed the old fashioned way.

Plus hear all about the Living Landscapes project. Somerset Wildlife Trust, Transition Taunton and various other groups are attempting to bring together the community to enhance and connect green and blue spaces, creating a joined up network of natural places where wildlife can thrive and people can feel alive.  Join us outside the Brewhouse at either 11am or 1pm to meander down to Childrens Wood to discuss the options.

Bring apples, bring bottles (to fill with juice) and bring muscle power!

And if you are based in Wellington join Transition Wellington in their apple day at the Friends Meeting House from 1 pm....

Renewable Energy Essentials - Saturday 8th October

As part of our ongoing support for groups in Somerset and the West of England, CSE are hosting a one day training course entitled ‘Renewable Energy Essentials’ on Saturday 8th October in Taunton.

Renewable Energy Essentials is a one-day course that introduces and explains common renewable energy technologies and their applications at a domestic or community scale. The course covers solar water heating, solar photovoltaics, biomass heating, heat pumps, and wind. It will give participants a thorough grounding in renewable energy systems.

Contact me Vicky Briggs ( if you are interested and I can send you the booking form.

West Somerset Community Food Conference - Monday 10th October

If you are based in West Somerset or thereabouts, you might be interested in attending our Autumn Conference at Dunster Tithe Barn on Monday 10th October. See below and attached for more info

The West Somerset Community Food Conference is taking place on Monday 10th October at the Dunster Tithe Barn in Dunster. The day will offer local community groups, growers, landseekers and landowners the chance to meet, share knowledge, experience and skills and get practical advice on getting growing.

Workshops on offer include how to preserve fruit and 'Too Many Apples: how to store and sell your excess produce'. A community growing workshop will also bring together landowners and growers, exploring the social and financial benefits of working together for both. Attendees will also have the chance to visit inspiring projects in West Somerset.

Organised in partnership with Transition Minehead and Alcombe, there will also be an opportunity to explore how local groups can strengthen the local food web in West Somerset by finding out about what is going on locally and what tools and resources are available in the area. Opening the conference is Professor Martin Caharer from City University in London. His work has focused on addressing health inequalities through local food and he has said it will be, “An honour to be part of such important local food work” in Somerset.

“The great thing about growing your own food is that it ticks lots of boxes – it’s good for your health, your pocket, your social life and brings great benefits for the environment too by reducing food miles and carbon emissions, and boosting biodiversity,” says Linda Hull from the project. “So if you are looking for land to grow food in any way shape or form, please join us in Dunster!”

The Conference is being organized by local charity, Somerset Community Food who have been working with groups to get more growing spaces in action across Somerset by connecting landowners to those needing land. All of these projects can be found on their website – Their focus is now on West Somerset and how they can support community groups in the area. They have also recently launched a Get Growing Support Fund, offering up to £2500 to groups to help them get started.

The conference runs from 1pm until 5pm with cream teas and refreshments. Book your place online at £5 donation.

Somerset Food Sovereignty Skillshare - Saturday 15th October

Calling all food activists, growers, local foodies, transitioners and more from across Somerset  – you are invited to a day of ideas and action in Glastonbury on Sunday 16th October (Venue TBC) 10am – 4.30pm.

Sunday 16th October is World Food Sovereignty Day. Food Sovereignty is the right of peoples to democratically define their own food and agricultural systems without harming other people or the environment. For more of what Food Sovereignty means please see here.

 The day is entry by donation only. Please use the form on the link below to register so we have an idea of numbers and please bring something to share about your experiences, any ideas or suggestions are also greatly received! Please also note people new to food activism are also completely welcome!

Organised by Reclaim the Fields, Somerset Community Food,  and the Transition Glastonbury Food Group.


Transition Together Celebration

Some of the first happy householders who taken part in Transition Together

We are delighted to announce that our first cohort of Transition Together groups have all taken massive steps in reducing their carbon emissions at home in the past year, and cut their household bills into the bargain. Group members and guests met up at St Michaels Church in Galmington to celebrate their successes, and sample goodies from the Farmers Market.

Transition Together is a project where householders meet up on a monthly basis to look at topics such as energy and water use in the home, how to minimise waste, and why using locally produced food makes a huge difference to our carbon footprints.

Everyone agreed that the project had been great fun, not least because doing it as a group meant the sociable side was just as important as the practicalities of cutting carbon.

One of the best things at the celebration was hearing what each group had chosen to spend their grant on. One group bought seeds to kick start their own garden share. Another group of colleagues from Somerset College will be buying three fruit trees to plant on campus, to be cared for by students. A third will be investing their funds into lots of badger proof wire for their new chicken co-op and a fourth is planning to visit Tracebridge Sourdough to learn to bake their own bread. A fifth used their funding to help St Margaret’s Hospice plant fruit trees in their garden and the sixth are still mulling (but we bet it will be about food!)

At the celebration, we asked people three questions:

  •     What is the eco change you are most proud of?
  •     What is your biggest eco challenge?
  •     What is your eco dream for Taunton?

We though you would like to see their answers (see below).

 We are now looking for new people who would like to start up a Transition Together group – it could be neighbours, friends or colleagues. All you need to do is be able to bring together a group of between 4-8 householders willing to meet up for 7 monthly sessions. If that person is you, we’d love to hear from you. Contact Chrissie,

Sharing Ideas
Alternatively, if you simply want to be in a group but don’t feel in a position to put one together yourself, you have two choices. You can email Chrissie who will network you with others who are also interested but groupless and help you organise your first meeting. Alternatively, you can join a 7 session course called Low Carbon Conversations which Taunton Transition Town is running with the Genesis Centre at Somerset College, starting in November (see separate news item).


Eco change most proud of:

  •     Being more water savvy!
  •     Reducing electricity usage
  •     Moving house, insulating the new house and turning the garden into a very tiny allotment
  •     Getting my allotment this year….it’s my little haven, lots of companion planting, butterflies, bees and some lovely vegetables
  •     Taking from the garden and taking to the table
  •     Saving the ater that used to go down the drain before the hot came. I now save it in milk bottles to put in the kettle – 6 pints!
  •     Cutting energy in the house after insulation and saving water through a water butt purchase and more re-use of water, capturing rainfall for the garden.
  •     Having a wood burning range with a back boiler that does all the hot water and radiators – no more oil burning and very low electricity bills
  •     Having a water meter and using grey water to flush the loo
  •     My second greenhouse and my amazing tomato harvest – we’re going to have a taste of summer all through the winter!
  •     Moving house so that the car stays on the driveway during the week
  •     Wasting less and less food and water
  •     Introducing other people to Taunton Transition Town

Biggest eco challenge:

  •     Cutting down on car usage
  •     Planning to get rid of the car
  •     Having a low energy house
  •     Losing the car and buying an electric bike
  •     Moving to or creating an eco community
  •     My car!!
  •     Not buying in supermarkets
  •     Growing more food
  •     Another greenhouse? More tomatoes?
  •     Getting serious on my bike!
  •     Less travel by car – I wish public transport were more efficient and reliable and less expensive (buses and trains particularly)
  •     More knowledge so that I can be a more responsible consumer
  •     Buying less in supermarkets, using my own veg and fruit from local green grocers

Eco dreams for Taunton:

  •     Less flowers more food (in public places)
  •     Better transport and bike access
  •     Lots and lots of little but productive urban food gardens in otherwise wasted space
  •     Lots of jobs for people without them growing food and helping others with difficulties in growing food
  •     That the new houses they build are eco efficient
  •     Concern for the nutritional value (of processed foods) and evidence for its effects on health We want real food!
  •     More compassion for neighbours and people everywhere
  •     More jobs in sustainable industries rather than in producing “stuff” which will get thrown away and become obsolete before too long
  •     No new houses in flood plains
  •     Advisory service for allotments and veg gardeners
  •     Better bike access away from busy roads
  •     Better education and awareness of eco issues so that people choose the right path.

Low Carbon Conversations at the Genesis Centre

Taunton Transition Town has teamed up with the Genesis Centre at Somerset College to run a monthly programme for people who want to do more to cut their carbon emissions as well as their household bills. Similar to the Transition Together project, people will discuss topics such as energy and water use in the home, the relationship between food and carbon, and how to minimise waste. It is different to Transition Together (which happens in people’s homes) in that it takes place at the Genesis Centre, an amazing building showcasing different sustainable building methods as well as examples of home energy generation technologies. Each session will be led by facilitators, and the programme will also draw on the expertise of the Centre’s renewable energy expert to answer course members’ questions.

The course is on Thursdays, either 2-4pm or 6-8pm. It starts with an introductory session on Thursday 24th November, and then 6 sessions on the 2nd Thursday of each month starting on Thursday 8th December and finishing on Thursday 10th May 2012. The course fees are £70 and to book contact Yvonne Mackeson on 01823 366756 or email her

A Story of Transition in 10 Objects: Number 1.  A stripey jumper

Want to hear all about how Taunton Deane Borough Council made it into the story of transition in 10 objects watch the amusing video of Rob Hopkins introducing the infamous stripey jumper!

Brendon Energy Share Offer

Brendon Energy is a community-owned company, set up to establish renewable energy projects in Wiveliscombe and the surrounding parishes in Taunton Deane and West Somerset. The group plans to install solar PV  panels on roofs of community buildings and, in the future, to possibly extend to domestic roofs - as well as developing other sources of renewable energy.

Recently the group has been working hard to set up a share offer to raise funds; the minimun investment has been set at £10 to make is affordable for all. The offer closes on Sunday 9th October 2011. For further details visit:

Saturday, 30 July 2011

July Newsletter

Get sustainable this summer by visiting an allotment or cycling to see a movie! We at Taunton Transition are taking a little break so there will be no Transition Cafe or newsletter in August but we will be back in September.  The newsletter will be published at the usual mid-month time in September.


Priorswood Allotment Opening - Saturday 13th August

As part of National Allotment Week come and have a tour of Priorswood Allotments!

Tours of the allotments start at 10am, 11am and 12.

Chat to experienced gardeners and those new to allotment gardening

Entrance at the big green gate on Obridge Road, just before the railway bridge.

French Weir Family Fun Day - Sunday 14th August

12 till 4pm. 
This event is now in its sixth year, and has become a hugely popular fixture in the Taunton events calendar, with visitors coming from all over the county. There is no admission fee to the event and there are loads of free activities and entertainment for all ages and abilities, organised by Friends of French Weir Park and funded by TDBC.   
Taunton Transition Town will have a stand there - look out for Paul's amazing maze and assortment of home made puzzles to mystify, delight or totally frustrate you!  Be inspired by our veg table bearing the latest gleanings from our various allotments, gardens and windowsills and enter our seasonal recipe competition.  Or just come up for a chat! 
This year, you can also expect archery, fencing, circus skills, spinning & felting, bouncy castle, woodland play, recycled art, messy crafts, longswords, theatrical dressing up, planting, orienteering, skate ramp, football and more.
Do make sure you bring a few pennies, as there will be some activities that have a small charge, such as face painting, climbing wall and boat rides. Delicious BBQ food and drinks are provided by West Hatch & Wivey scouts, and you can cool down with either a traditional or soft serve ice cream. We’re also hoping to have a vegan food stall and a “proper coffee” van. The Friends group always search out excellent prizes for their raffle – last year this included haircuts, beauty treatments, meal for 2, a microlight flight, and beautiful gifts donated by local businesses. All proceeds go towards improving the park facilities and funding community events like this one.

Cycle-Powered Cinema – Friday 19th August

Join Somerset’s first free pedal-powered cinema screening

Cycle Powered Cinema Event
Photo: mike ambs (Flickr Creative Commons)
On Friday 19th August*, community cycling forum Cycling Somerset will be hosting Taunton’s first ever bicycle-powered cinema screening.
Once darkness falls, members of the audience can take turns to pedal 12 bicycles to power the 8’ by 12’ screen, or simply relax with picnics and ice creams.
The screening is completely free – just meet at Vivary Park bandstand with your bicycle, something to sit on and refreshments of your choice at 8pm. There will then be a short guided cycle ride to the cinema location.

Until Monday 8th August, you can also vote for the film you would most like to see by visiting the Cycling Somerset Facebook group on Help them to  choose from one of these fantastic film favourites:
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Back to the Future
  • ET
  • Toy Story 3
  • Time Bandits
  • Austin Powers
  • Terminator 2
More information is available on the Facebook link above, or by contacting Hannah on or 07824 460576.
Anyone considering bringing young children should check the final choice of film after 8th August to make sure it is suitable for them.

*Please note that the screening will be outdoors. If it rains heavily, they will either postpone the screening to Saturday 20th August, or cancel completely. Please check in advance.

Transition Drop-in Café 

There will be no Transition Drop-In Cafe this month.... we are having a month off.  We will resume the meetings in September.

In the meantime please follow any events on

Future Events

Remember to keep Saturday 1st October free for the another Abundant Taunton event at the Brewhouse.  We will be apple pressing as usual and giving demonstrations and advice on all things sustainable. 

If you want some freshly pressed apple juice start collecting and storing your apples now and bring along on the day!


Win Free Tickets for Off-Grid Festival

Are you interested in a pair of free tickets to the fantastic Off Grid festival, celebrating all things sustainable and musical? Online cycling community, Cycling Somerset, are running a competition to win a pair of tickets to Off Grid. You just have to describe your favourite cycle route in Somerset to be take part. The catch is that you must be willing to cycle to the festival (near Cheddar) and write a little bit about your experience afterwards! It’s just over 30 miles from Taunton, so should be do-able for most people if you take it steadily…. though it is on the top of a rather nasty hill!

To enter, visit and click on “contests” on the left hand side. Be quick though – the closing date is 4th August.

Family Cycle Training for the Summer Holidays

If you’re keen to get out and about on your bikes this summer, but think you or your children need a bit of extra training to cycle on the roads, Somerset County Council are currently offering family cycle training for the bargain (subsidised) price of just £5 per person. A qualified instructor will arrange a training session at a time to suit you and will come and do it near your home, so will be on the roads you are most likely to actually cycle on.Adults and children must participate together and the minimum age for children is 8 years old.
They are also doing separate training sessions for adult and adult beginners as well.
More information is on or call 01823 357016.
The funding for this training is likely to run out quite soon, so we recommend you contact them soon if you are interested.


Thursday, 16 June 2011

June Newsletter

The Sustainability Show – Sunday 19th June

Taunton Transition will have a stall at the very excellent Sustainability Show this Sunday.

What’s green, combines cider, bee-keeping and electric cars and happens in Taunton? It must be the West Country’s first ever Sustainability Show on Sunday, June 19th at the Queen’s Conference Centre in Trull. Guest of honour, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall will perform the opening ceremony.

Entry to the show and parking are free and visitors will find over 90 exhibitors ranging from Nissan’s brand-new Leaf saloon to demonstrations of willow-making, and from live music to car clubs. Younger children will love the chance to see lambs, ducks and chickens up close.

There will be something for everyone; from growing your own food to learning about renewable energy sources. Children will find lots of hands-on activities and demonstrations since as every parent knows, they’re our environmental conscience!” Simon Ross

Acclaimed folk/rock Elephant Talk will provide the live music in an entertainment area adjoining the stage – plus real ale from Cotleigh Brewery and cider from Tricky’s of Churchinford. Food Tech students from Queen’s College will be using their new wood-fired mud-brick oven to produce pizzas galore, plus many more food and ice-cream stands.

All in all it adds up to an entertaining, educational and inspiring day out.

Venue: Queen’s Conference Venue, Trull Road, Taunton
Time: 10am – 4 pm

Pedestrians welcome from the Trull Road entrance and road access from College Way.

Social Enterprise Training - Tues 21st June

Special Offer . . .  Social Enterprise bursaries . . Tues 21 June (Taunton) 
Cascade Training are pleased to confirm that they are continuing to offer bursaries on new Social Enterprise programme this summer! This is a special initiative to fund a small number of places for Grassroots network members on our Social Enterprise programme.

There are now special bursaries available for places on both  Half day courses on Tuesday 21 June (Taunton)! Their morning event is ‘Social Enterprise: Income generation’ . This workshop explores a whole range of financial resources and options to help you identify which are best suited to your needs. Their afternoon event is ‘Social Enterprise: Spotlight on Co-ops’. This workshop discusses the co-operative model for running a social enterprise and clarifies its particular values and principles.

These workshops – normally costing £75 – are each offered for a nominal fee of just £20 per delegate! Places available on a first come, first served basis.  Phone Lauren Evans now on 07854-208369, or email her at :  to check availability and book your bursary place!!

UK’s First Willow Cathedral Grand Opening – Friday 24th June

Not to be missed!

The Friends of Longrun Meadow invite everyone to the grand opening of the UK’s first willow cathedral.

Meet at the Oak Barn in Longrun Meadow for a procession to the Willow Cathedral which leaves about 6.45-7.00pm.

Enjoy an evening of music and song, story telling, willow weaving, natural art, willow wetting, orienteering and lots more. There will be an ‘Enchanted Wood’ fancy dress theme for children of all ages (and adults if you want) – think fairies, elves and woodland creatures.

Bring a rug, a picnic, your family and friends, your next door neighbour and a candle in a jar as the evening will end with a candle ceremony!

Venue: Longrun Meadow, between Somerset College and French Weir, Taunton, Somerset
Time: 6.30pm – ‘til dusk

Transition Drop-in Café – Saturday 25th June

A chance to catch up on all the latest projects from digital stories to food growing, from the Somerset Land Trust to Food Mapper.

Venue: Friends’ Meeting House, Bath Place, Taunton, Somerset
Time: 10.30am-12.30pm

Forum 21 – Walk and Talk - Monday 4th July

Where: Woodcombe, Bratton Ball & North Hill.

Start and meeting point: Moor Road Grid Ref 957470 opposite the
camp site at 6pm prompt.

When: Monday 4th July 2011.

Duration: approximately 2 hours for the whole walk.

Logic behind the walk: It’s nice to be out and about! In addition to
this, Forum 21 is in discussions with the Exmoor National Park about
the development of a community woodland. Forum 21, in partnership
with others, might wish to lead in the development of a community managed
woodland. Such a scheme would maintain and enhance
the landscape, protect and promote biodiversity and, at the same
time, produce wood fuel and other timber products.
The Forum 21 steering Group has discussed the development and
meetings have been held with ENPA and Climate Action West
Community Interest Company. We would appreciate members’ views
and welcome involvement; or just come along for the walk, the
landscape and the wildlife. The walk will be followed by a pub
supper for those who want to join us (at own cost).

Access and Terrain: The first 1.5 km of the walk is on a level
bridleway, which runs from Moor road round the hill into Woodcombe
(those wishing to stay on level ground can return to the parking
area). The whole of the proposed community woodland can be seen
from this first part of the walk. The remainder of the walk is mostly
on undulating footpath through Bratton woods, round Bratton Ball
and up to the cattle grid on Moor Road and over North hill back to
the parking area.
No need to book, just come along and enjoy!

The Economics of Happiness Film Show - Wed 6th July

Our sister group in Wellington are showing the movie 'The Economics of Happiness' at the community centre. From 7.30pm.

Quantock Eco – Electricity from Panels on Your Roof – Friday July 8th

If you are based on the Quantock Hills then find out all about how to produce electricity from panels on your roof.

Venue: Nether Stowey Village Hall
Time: 7.30pm

If you are a member of Quantock Eco it is free and £2 to everyone else. Find out how to join Quantock Eco at the end of the newsletter.


Living Landscapes

Taunton Transition Town have been supporting Somerset Wildlife Trust with their Living Landscapes project to create a thriving wildlife haven through the middle of Taunton and highlight the need for biodiversity even in an urban environment.

Our focus is more on food production and the expansion of public food growing in and around Taunton with protection and inclusion of wildlife habitats in mind.

Following a successful walk and talk along the River Tone as part of the Taunton Wildlife Week on Tuesday 31st May we have put together some of the suggestions that people put forward from TTT, Somerset Wildlife Trust, Civic Society, Taunton Deane Borough Council and others.
The particular area of interest was around Children’s Wood and how that area could be improved though the full report of the day which I will post shortly (check the blog for details) gives suggestions for the whole route from around the Brewhouse to the Children’s Wood.

Suggestions put forward were:
  • Seating areas and perhaps tree trunks for more family interaction
  • Raised beds for community planting
  • An area for the collection of apples in the autumn
  • Fruit tree planting – medlars, plums, quinces, alongside the apples currently in the area
  • A bit less managed space

Remember you can still contribute your thoughts and offer up ideas on.  In the next couple of days I will update the blog with details about the Living Landscapes project and just how Taunton Transition is getting involved.

Zero Food Miles Blog

If you are in the Somerset area and love food log-on to your computers and look up this excellent blog.

The blog contains recipes using local food gathered in different ways, bought, foraged and home grown. The blogging team of Carol Stone and Eleanor Rose Burgess will start with 3 seasonal recipes a month and are always open to suggestions, local recipes and tips for local producers.

Food Mapper

Another online resource is Somerset’s very own Food Mapper - This is resource for letting you know where the local allotments, public food growing projects, co-ops and food producers are. So in the future if you are interested in getting an allotment say you can look it up on Food Mapper and find your local contact. Furthermore it is being used as a resource to find just how we can get more land into food production by putting people with suitable land in touch with local people who wish to produce local, sustainable food.

If you are tech savvy please log on to add your knowledge on local allotments, co-ops, food producers, schools who are growing their own, and other food projects. All the details are on the website. If you are not please come along to a Taunton Transition Town meeting or contact Vicky Briggs ( with any information.

Quantock Eco

If you are a little out of Taunton and are based in and around the Quantocks get involved in Quantock Eco.

QE’s mission is to help Quantock villages develop resilience in the face of rising energy costs and changes in our environment.
Its purpose is to initiate, lead, and facilitate activities which address these concerns through:
  • Practical projects for individuals, groups and communities;
  • Encouraging small changes in lifestyle;
  • Using sustainable technologies;
  • Sharing ideas and results with likeminded groups.
Quantock Eco is currently running nine projects aimed at building village resilience, details of which are available on their website
Membership fee £5 per annum.
For further information please contact:
Treasurer Carole Darke
Wordsworth Barn, Bicknoller, Somerset TA4 4EH
Tel: 01984 656 222